CryptoQuip Answers!

Here are the answers to the last week of CryptoQuips sent in the Thought for the Day Daily email:

4/26/2024 1:00:27 AM
By traveling through a time machine, I suppose the scientist is presently unavailable.
4/25/2024 1:00:29 AM
One cold camper slept too close to the fire and made a fuel of himself.
4/24/2024 1:00:29 AM
The judicial tennis player requested a meal while playing, insisting on order in the court.
4/23/2024 1:00:31 AM
I just saw a couple of parachuting cows jump from a plane shouting "Geronimoo!"
4/22/2024 1:00:27 AM
Actors are cast through their good and bad stages.
4/21/2024 1:00:34 AM
When all his props were stolen, the magician sadly became disillusioned.
4/20/2024 1:00:30 AM
If peaches were living they would probably be very cruel, having a heart of stone.

The solution to today's CryptoQuip will be posted here tomorrow (an incentive for you to give it just one more try!).

Sign up to get the Thought for the Day and free CryptoQuip here.